2019 Supplemental EIS/OEIS References

The Record of Decision is now available for viewing.

American National Standard Institute, "Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound -- Part 4: Noise Assessment and Prediction of Long-term Community Response," Acoustical Society of America and America National Standard Institute, ANSI S12.9-2005/Part 4, 2005.  



American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI), American National Standard Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound, Part 5: Sound Level Descriptors for Determination of Compatible Land Use, ANSI S12.9/Part 5-1998 (R 2003), 2003.



Berger, E.H., R. Neitzel, & C.A. Kladden. (2015). Noise Navigator Sound Level Database (June 26, 2015 ed.). 3M Personal Safety Division, E-A-RCAL Laboratory: Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Environmental Health Science, Ann Arbor, MI.



Bradley, K.A., “RouteMap Version 2.0: Military Training Route Noise Model User’s Manual,” AL/OE-MN-1996-0002, Armstrong Research Laboratory, Brooks AFB, TX, June 1996.



Czech, J. and Plotkin, K.J., NMAP 7.0 User’s Manual, Wyle Research Report, WR 98-13, November 1998.



Department of Defense, DoD Instruction, "Air Installations Compatible Use Zones," # 4165.57, 2 May 2011.



Department of the Navy, "Range Air Installations Compatible Use Zones," OPNAV Instruction 3550.1A, 28 Jan 2008.



Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 1050.1F Desk Reference, Office of Environment and Energy, July 2015.



Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON). "Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues," Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, August 1992.



Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise (FICUN). Guidelines for Considering Noise in Land-Use Planning and Control. U.S. Government Printing Office Report #1981-337-066/8071, Washington, D.C., 1980.



Fidell, S., Barger, D.S., and Schultz, T.J., "Updating a Dosage-Effect Relationship for the Prevalence of Annoyance Due to General Transportation Noise," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 89, 221-233. January 1991.



Finegold, L.S., Harris, C.S., and von Gierke, H.E., "Community Annoyance and Sleep Disturbance: Updated Criteria for Assessing the Impact of General Transportation Noise on People," Noise Control Engineering Journal, 42: 25-30, 1994.



Ikelheimer, B., and Plotkin, K.J., "Noise Model Simulation (NMSim) User's Manual," Wyle Report WR 03-09, October 2004.



Ikelheimer, B., and Downing, M., "MRNMap Noise Model Improvements," Report No. BRRC13-03, August 2013.



Moulton, C.M., "Air Force Procedure for Predicting Noise Around Airbases: Noise Exposure Model (NoiseMap) Technical Report," Report AL-TR-1992-0059, 1992.



National Park Service (NPS), "Olympic National Park Acoustic Monitoring Winter 2010," Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/NSNSD/NRR—2016/1310. November 2016.



National Park Service, "Aircraft Noise Model Validation Study," 68 FR 63131, November 7, 2003.



National Park Service, "Notice of Recommendation from the Aircraft Noise Model Validation Study," 68 FR 63131, November 7, 2003a.



Northwest Training Range Complex User’s Manual, NAS Whidbey Island Instruction 3770.1HF, 18 October 20162012.



Ross, J., Menge, C., Miller, N.P., "Percentage of Time Jet Aircraft are Audible in Grand Canyon Park," Harris Miller and Hanson, Inc., NPS-HMMH Job No. 295860.044, 2004.



Schultz, T.J., "Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 64: 377-405, August 1974.



Stusnick, E., K.A. Bradley, M.A. Bossi, J.A. Molino, and D.G. Rickert. The Effect of Onset Rate on Aircraft Noise Annoyance, Volume 3: Hybrid Own-Home Experiment. Wyle Laboratories Research Report WR 93-22, December 1993.



US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Guidelines for Noise Impact Analysis, Report 550/9-82-105 and #PB82-219205. April 1982.

