Frequently asked questions are provided for additional project information.
The Navy is preparing the Supplemental EIS/OEIS to:
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to evaluate a range of reasonable alternatives to achieve the purpose of and need for the Proposed Action. Using the most current and best available science and analytical methods, the Navy evaluated the potential environmental impacts of three alternatives, including a No Action Alternative, in the Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS.
In the Supplemental EIS/OEIS, the Navy:
To learn more about marine mammals, sonar, and sound in the water, and the Navy’s ocean stewardship programs, visit:
Implementation of any action alternative may affect certain species, but is not expected to decrease the overall health or survival of any population. Almost all predicted effects are behavioral responses and would cause no injury or mortality.
Avoiding impacts from at-sea training and testing on the marine environment is an important goal for the Navy. The Navy employs standard operating procedures and protective measures during sonar use as well as additional event-specific mitigation measures.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations, and Environment) is the decision maker regarding the selection and implementation of an alternative. The decision is based on many factors, including the details of the environmental analyses, breadth of public comment, recommendations from Navy commands, and mission requirements.
The Navy requests and actively solicits feedback and comments from the public, government agencies, elected officials, tribes, and nongovernmental organizations. Substantive public comments are considered and incorporated into the Supplemental EIS/OEIS, as applicable. Additionally, several federal and state agencies have regulatory authority and oversee Navy activities in the Study Area.
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